Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What happened to the stove?

Dear Unloved Stove,

Travis and I are not sorry to inform you that you will no longer be apart of our tiny house. We did not love you from the very beginning nor did we love you at the very end. If anything we grew to hate you. There are too many reasons why you will not be missed but here's a few that we feel we need to express. 

Oh the times you made us wake up in the middle of the night, freezing because you were unable to burn for more than 3 hours; will not be missed. Or the time that you made me (Kiah) get onto the roof, all alone to fix you; will not be missed.  The time that you burnt Travis' hand while he was trying to fit wood inside you to keep us warm; will not be missed. The time that you spit ash out and almost caught my hair on fire; will not be missed. In the end it brings us much joy knowing you're gone! Farewell stove and may you never return!


Click the video below to go to our Youtube Channel where we explain why we're getting rid of the stove

Thanks for watching!

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