Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What happened to the stove?

Dear Unloved Stove,

Travis and I are not sorry to inform you that you will no longer be apart of our tiny house. We did not love you from the very beginning nor did we love you at the very end. If anything we grew to hate you. There are too many reasons why you will not be missed but here's a few that we feel we need to express. 

Oh the times you made us wake up in the middle of the night, freezing because you were unable to burn for more than 3 hours; will not be missed. Or the time that you made me (Kiah) get onto the roof, all alone to fix you; will not be missed.  The time that you burnt Travis' hand while he was trying to fit wood inside you to keep us warm; will not be missed. The time that you spit ash out and almost caught my hair on fire; will not be missed. In the end it brings us much joy knowing you're gone! Farewell stove and may you never return!


Click the video below to go to our Youtube Channel where we explain why we're getting rid of the stove

Thanks for watching!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Big Reveal!

This past weekend we invited friends and family to check out the house.

Almost everybody's favorite part was our tiny stove and the pallets on the walls.

I'm happy that my family and friends came to check out the house and support us. 

I didn't think owning or even building a tiny house was going to be life changing, but it was. I've learned so much from my tiny house and it's hard for me to put into words how grateful I am for it. I'm grateful that Travis and I gave ourselves this opportunity. It kick-started us to do so much more with our lives.

Here's pictures from our house warming
If anybody has any more they'd like to share, please do with the #tinyhouse

Travis talking about the stove 

I think my little cousins had a blast walking up and down our stairs :)

Meeting my second cousin for the first time :)

This picture is priceless <3 Pure love right here

Giving hugs!

Travis giving my grandparents a tour

Travis' family and friends

Freckles! <3

What a little ham! He's up to something ;)

My dad brought a tape measure..... He wouldn't be a Rudnicki if he didn't have one on him ;)

He's smiling! This was Freckles' first time seeing the house completed! He stopped by frequently when we were working on the house. What a sweet boy!


Somebody was eager to leave ;) 

Thanks to everyone who came out and brought goodies for Travis and I! We really appreciated everything and all the food that was brought!
Love you all!