Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Installing Windows!


As my last post mentioned, we changed our plan on the order of doing things. Instead of cutting the roof for the loft we decided to install some of our windows!

The reason we decided to do this is because we had a friend stop by to see the house and he was nice enough to help us do the windows.

Not going to lie, it was the easiest thing we've done on the house so far..... I was worried that it was not going to work with just 3 people, but really it could of been done with just 2. I thought we were going to try to get the big window in and then need 10 more people.

So far we've....

-put tar paper on all the window framing

-installed all the windows besides the 2 loft windows which we still have to go buy one more of

-now we just have to finish covering up all the spaces around the windows.

Lastly, I'm going to be getting a new camera this weekend. I want to implement other video ideas so that'll come soon.

I also wanted to ask you guys if you have any suggestions or things you would like to see more of. I would love any feedback and conversation. Anything from telling us your experiences with tiny houses, whether that's been just meeting someone that lives in one to nothing at all, or maybe tell us about yourselves. I would like to get to know some of the non family and friend readers. Anything would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading guys!

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