Sunday, February 28, 2016

Construction shirts have been donned, we are ready to build!

We are half way done with the first layer of the floor, family and friends!

This weekend has been a very productive weekend.  We were hoping to get the whole first layer done by the end of the weekend, but we need to take time away from the trailer and spend it with family and enjoy the weather. We look at the weather everyday and when it's nice, we try to get to the trailer to get something done.

I made Travis take lot's of pictures and I took a lot myself.  All day today I've been using the word "giddy", because that's exactly how I've been feeling. I'm so happy that we are starting the construction process of everything. It's becoming more and more real.

Hey look! I'm finally getting to do something!!

(We forgot to add the two pictures above to our previous post)
It took a little bit to figure out how to lay down the Tyvek House Wrap, but we got it done!

Next step was to remove this nasty ass tar!

Getting there!

Look at that shiny!

We had to put a bunch of heavy stuff on the plywood to make sure it didn't run away

Thanks for staying up to date on our adventure!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Is that a floor I see??

Friends and family, we've begun building! It won't be long now until we have the frame up!!

We understand this might not be super exciting to some of you, but it is to us. This is a huge accomplishment for us! Check out the photos below if you're interested in our progress :)

For those of you interested in how, we had a very good friend of ours come up and give us some advice on how to prep the floor. We got some plywood, which we'll lay on top of some house wrap that will keep the plywood dry, then nail the plywood into the wood beams we have installed.

After this, we'll have to lay a grid down for the actual floor and insulation, install the insulation, then place the final layer of plywood to complete the process of preping the floor.


Glasses on ;)


Hey everybody! I just wanted say hi on this post and that as Travis stated before, we're super excited about the first layer of the floor getting put down.

I'm hoping we're done with demolition stage, besides cutting the roof, windows and door. Which I'm super happy about!

I'm also really excited about covering these stupid metal studs on the floor... Unfortunately, Travis fell through one yesterday and he has some pretty nasty bruises on his leg from it... He also hit his finger with the hammer and his nail is black and blue, poor thing! :(

So as you can tell I want this thing covered in wood so there's no more slipping through and having to really watch your step....
Every time we're at the trailer I tell Travis that all I want is stairs that lead up to the trailer and a floor.... That's all I want right now because we're still having to climb from the side with the big opening.

I hope everyone is enjoying these posts... It's still not as exciting, but stay tuned because it's about to get really exciting putting everything together! Once we get the drywall up, I'm sure everybody will be flipping their cookies!

Love you all!
The Tiny House Couple :)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Long time no talk

Hellllllooooo............. it's us!
(Comment or share, if you get the reference ;) )

It's been a while since we've posted. We have been working on the trailer every weekend when the weather is nice. There's a lot that we've finished. For example drawing on the metal, where the windows will be going.  I do not have a picture to show you guys, because it's too hard to see and it's not that exciting. 

Then we finished cutting all the screws and nails that were on the metal floor stud things. (I'm sure Travis knows the technical term, I call them the Death trap. I hate walking in the trailer without a floor.)

Then we finished filling in ALL of the tiny holes on the walls.

After that we finished reinforcing some of the Death traps with wood so that the floor is more stable.  That took longer than I thought, and we had to stop on one day and come back the next, which tested my patience real quick. But that's ok, that's going to happen a lot.

Now for the most exciting news!!!!!

We got wood and house wrap for the floor!

Which means we are on our way to starting construction!!

Here's some pictures:

Travis working hard

Travis working even harder, cutting wood :)
I do help him most of the time, but somebody has to be the one to take the pictures ;)

Us taking a break to keep the romance alive :)

Me pointing out the Death traps that are done being reinforced :)
(You have no idea how excited I am to have a floor!)

Here's all the wood and house wrap that we will be using for the floor. 
There's was an extremely nice guy that helped us load all the plywood into the Tahoe that we used to bring the wood home.  (This is for travis: I should of asked him if we could get a picture with him and tell him about our blog. DARN)

Thanks everyone for reading our blog and always asking us about how it's coming along.
I will be doing another blog post soon really explaining why we're doing this.
I think we've only mentioned it once and that was in a previous post.
If anybody knows which post that is, let me know, that would save me time to look for it!
Stay tuned for our next post and more pictures of the construction of the floor :)

Long Time No Talk

Hellllllooooo............. it's us!
(Comment or share, if you get the reference ;) )

It's been a while since we've posted. We have been working on the trailer every weekend when the weather is nice. There's a lot that we've finished. For example drawing on the metal, where the windows will be going.  I do not have a picture to show you guys, because it's too hard to see and it's not that exciting. 

Then we finished cutting all the screws and nails that were on the metal floor stud things. (I'm sure Travis knows the technical term, I call them the Death trap. I hate walking in the trailer without a floor.)

Then we finished filling in ALL of the tiny holes on the walls.

After that we finished reinforcing some of the Death traps with wood so that the floor is more stable.  That took longer than I thought, and we had to stop on one day and come back the next, which tested my patience real quick. But that's ok, that's going to happen a lot.

Now for the most exciting news!!!!!

We got wood and house wrap for the floor!

Which means we are on our way to starting construction!!

Here's some pictures:

Travis working hard

Travis working even harder, cutting wood :)
I do help him most of the time, but somebody has to be the one to take the pictures ;)

Us taking a break to keep the romance alive :)

Me pointing out the Death traps that are done being reinforced :)
(You have no idea how excited I am to have a floor!)

Here's all the wood and house wrap that we will be using for the floor. 
There's was an extremely nice guy that helped us load all the plywood into the Tahoe that we used to bring the wood home.  (This is for travis: I should of asked him if we could get a picture with him and tell him about our blog. DARN)

Thanks everyone for reading our blog and always asking us about how it's coming along.
I will be doing another blog post soon really explaining why we're doing this.
I think we've only mentioned it once and that was in a previous post.
If anybody knows which post that is, let me know, that would save me time to look for it!
Stay tuned for our next post and more pictures of the construction of the floor :)